The religious leaders didn’t like Peter and John, and they ordered them to stop telling others about Jesus. It took several more years of flying and refining their planes before the public recognized what they had truly done. Their hometown newspaper didn’t believe their story, and said that even if true, the flights were too brief to be significant. The Wright brothers’ neighbors didn’t immediately appreciate their accomplishment. They were fishermen who, filled with the Spirit of Jesus, courageously proclaimed the good news: “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Our Daily Bread Ministries creates daily video devotionals, travel series that bring the Bible to life, and films that help you answer questions you might be asking about the Bible. He hears our prayers, and is capable of answering them. Prayer is perhaps the most powerful weapon God has given us to wield on this earth. Neither Peter nor John had a preaching license. Give us today our daily bread ( Matthew 6:11 ).

The longest lasted only a minute, but it changed our world forever. On December 17, 1903, they took turns piloting their Wright Flyer on four separate flights.
#Our daily bread movie movie#
The movie is a sequel to Vidor's silent classic The Crowd (1928), using the.

They were bicycle mechanics with a dream and the courage to try to fly. Our Daily Bread is a 1934 American film directed by King Vidor and starring Karen Morley, Tom Keene, and John Qualen. Neither Orville nor Wilbur Wright had a pilot’s license. and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.