Life can be regained for the pet by knifing various enemies up close (done the same as in Metal Slug). However, the pet has its own life bar, and if it runs out, the pet disappears until the player dies and respawns. The C button will also turn your pet into a shield, which can protect against various projectiles. Holding the jump button also makes the characters float as opposed to hovering down like they usually would. And Maya’s pet is a pterodactyl that creates wind blasts in a spread formation. Sara’s pet is a rabbit that creates homing projectiles that freeze whatever is in their way. J’s pet is a one-eyed robot that creates a field of electricity. Holding down the fire button will unleash a special attack – Jake’s pet is some kind of dragon that unleashes a barrage of flames. Additionally, each player has their own unique flying pet, which hovers about their shoulder. The controls are fundamentally the same as Metal Slug, though the pacing is a little faster. Still, the pixel art is very well done, and everything is generally well animated.

While superior from a technical standpoint, combined with the “almost-but-not-quite-the-same” graphics, it gives it a kind of offbrand, daytime soap opera feel. Plus, the game runs at 60 FPS, rather than Metal Slug‘s 30. The color palette has more saturated colors, giving it a brighter feel. The designs are a little strange, straddling the line between super deformed and merely cartoonish, and the enemies are strangely chubby. Visually there are some strong parallels to Metal Slug, even if it does feel a little… off. You go through six levels, with three being selectable from the start, two more that are unlocked after, and one that is revealed at the very end. J, a cool scientist who looks like a cross between Cyclops from X-Men and Gordon Freeman from Half-Life and Maya, a human-looking ape. In Demon Front, you can choose from one of four characters: Jake, a human from earth Sara, another human, with purple hair Dr. Demon Front, release on 2002, veers away from that direction though, and instead pays homage/rips off SNK’s Metal Slug. All characters largely play the same.Taiwan-based developer IGS is primarily known for their PolyGame Master arcade hardware, and along with it, a whole slew of Final Fight-style beat-em-ups. Melee attacks and pet attacks release hearts which boost their shield power.Ĭharacters include Jake and Sara, two regular humans from Earth. The shield button converts the pet into a shield that is permanent - until players press the button again or it takes enough damage to disappear. Holding the shoot button charges the player's pet, and when released the pet launches a stationary devastating attack for a few seconds. There are three buttons: Shoot, jump, and shield. Each of the four characters brings along a pet, which can be sent to attack enemies or used as a shield. In addition, there are some unique features in the game. It lacks the vehicles that were an element of Metal Slug. The gameplay is similar to Metal Slug and other run and gun games.

It shares many characteristics with the Metal Slug series. Demon Front ( Chinese: 魔域戰線 pinyin: Móyù Zhànxiàn) is a side-scrolling run and gun arcade game released in 2002 by International Games System.